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About Us

Headquartered in Blairsville, Georgia, our company is an innovative management consulting company specializing in training and education, organizational development, and providing on-site assistance in numerous areas of concern for the public safety community. We have the credentials and experience to help you and your organization get to where you want to go.

Werder and Associates, Inc. serves as a consultant company to law enforcement, public safety, and corrections, as well as, universities, colleges, public service agencies and the private sector. We provide services which include leadership and skill development, training, promotional assessment centers, written promotional examinations, organizational problem solving, pre-CALEA assessments and management enhancement.

We also have the capacity to establish and/or restore appropriate inventory policies and control for police department and sheriff's offices evidence rooms.

Value Statement

To provide services that strive to:

  1. Help employers select their work force with care, treat with respect, and reward for performance;

  2. Display respect and dignity for those with whom we deal;

  3. Insure equal opportunity;

  4. Utilize open and honest communication;

  5. Include positive action and innovation;

  6. Promote team work; and

  7. Prioritize the responsible use of public and private resources.

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