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Advanced Career and Organizational Growth for Police Leaders and Supervisors; Taking Responsibility

24 hrs

This seminar promotes increased skill levels and provides insights, guidance, and additional capabilities to accomplish the participants' goals and those of their organization. It accentuates the competencies already acquired by the attendees and influences personal growth with the intent to develop the participants' abilities, leadership, and the quality of their services to their agency.

The seminar examines public safety and law enforcement organizational cultures, their variations, how they affect each participant, and how to effectively address them. Within that component, participants will inventory their past development in light of those cultures, identify current and future tools needed to excel, and absorb those methods to use them effectively.

Participants are given the opportunity to express personal strengths and perceived deficiencies broadly, and also engage in one-on-one discussions with staff to provide personal and organizational growth opportunities. The purpose will be to complete the seminar successfully, while having learned additional skill sets and the ability to apply them in their organization, command staff, and with subordinates. This should leads to a stronger organization comprised of people capable of anticipating needs and practicing enhanced skills, while improving morale and participation.


Day 1

  • Supervisory leadership: What is it, what does it look like, and what are its implications?

  • Role of the police supervisor: Does compromising on issues diminish integrity, professional ethics, and decision making?

  • Subordinate growth an its effect on organizational growth, leadership, and management: Do they coexist?

  • Practical exercises, discussions, and pointed-problem solving.


Day 2

  • Integrity and ethics: Legal indications for your subordinates and the impact on the organization.

  • Supervisors role in minimizing agency liability.

  • Legal implications and discussion of local trends and patterns.

  • Legal guidelines for managing the workplace environment.


Day 3

  • Police leaders discuss success, failures, opportunities, and their experiences.

  • Power and how to use it.

  • Planning and its impact on personal growth.

  • How do I maximize my leadership?

  • Effective communications and its impact on motivation.

  • Mentoring and coaching: How to do it effectively.

  • Applying principles that measure success in he workplace: Tools for developing satisfaction and growth.

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